As a full-service auction company, Schrader can professionally market all real estate and personal property. Over time, though, we've focused on several key markets. With prolonged focus comes a high level of experience and insight. As creators of the M3 system, we are the national innovators of the open-forum multi-tract real estate auction. We apply that prowess to all of our real estate auctions and apply innovation to our personal property auctions in the following areas of specialty.
Farm Land
Selling over 50,000 acres annually puts Schrader in a league of our own on both the local and national spectrums. Headquartered in an agricultural community and staffed by sales agents and executives each with agricultural experience, we know farmland inside and out. We can help you determine the worth of your property, the best means to sell it, and the benefits and possibilities of the 1031 Exchange process (if applicable).
Schrader has sold thousands of acres of timberland in the last several years alone. Whether your property has already been timbered or is a sanctuary of shade, we can find the buyers that value your land as much as you do. We can even offer the standing timber as separate offerings along with the real estate auction. Having worked with international paper-product companies in multiple states, no property is too large or too far away.
With today's high demand of recreational land, Schrader's multi-tract system has allowed small- and large-acreage buyers to compete for their own piece of serenity and adventure. With local, regional, and/or national exposure, these properties receive maximum attention to create maximum demand. By separating wooded acreage from other land, recreational buyers need to bid only for what they desire and only against other like-use bidders.
Schrader can help with all aspects of commercial sales: inventory reduction, equipment liquidation, platted lots, standing structures, appraisals, and intellectual property. Our award-winning marketing staff can get your property in front of the right people with a corporate-level visual impact.
Farm Equipment
With about 100 chattel auctions a year, Schrader knows farm machinery and related equipment. Our expert staff of appraisers and auctioneers help you get the highest market value for your property. Our full-service mobile office hosts a clerking computer network and a waiting area.
Fertilizer Equipment
Fertilizer and grain equipment require extremely focused marketing. Our staff experts and proprietary list of interested buyers are second to none in the Midwest. Whether you're a co-op looking to reduce inventory or to liquidate rolling stock, look no further than Schrader for professional marketing and appraisals.
Whether it's a loved one's estate or a personal collection, your antiques will benefit from an exhaustive marketing effort from one of our trained professionals. Competitive commission rates and professional advertising makes Schrader the easy choice for your antique and estate sales.
The Maximum Marketing Method (M3): A Schrader exclusive
Only Schrader offers the M3 Auction System, because we are the companies that invented and perfected it. The M3 System achieves the highest possible value by:
- Offering the property in multiple tracts to broaden the pool of bidders.
- Allowing bidders to bid on individual tracts, combinations of tracts or the entire property in an unrestricted process that promotes greater competition for each tract, leading to higher price
What makes M3 Program Different?
Because of Schrader's auction success, other companies have scrambled to develop their own "multi-parcel" or "multi-tract" programs. Don't be misled! No other program even approaches our level of success. Here are just a few of the reasons why efforts to copy our methods have failed:
- We know more than our competitors. We introduced M3 more than three decades ago, and we have been perfecting our systems the entire time. During that time, we have closely guarded our proprietary methods so that our unprecedented results are available only to Schrader customers.
- We work harder. We study your land in painstaking detail, spending as much time as it takes to fully understand it. Depending on the property, we will view and photograph it from the air and from ground level. We become experts on the soil, the wildlife, the timber, the history, the contours and any other factors that can help us market the property. Sellers frequently comment that we know their property better than they know it themselves.
- We optimize the division into tracts. While our competitors may propose tracts based on a map and a quick ride around the property, our exhaustive research allows us to organize the tracts in a way that gets the best results on auction day.
- We use superior auction day methods. We developed and copyrighted software to efficiently compute the best way to sell a multi-tract property at any given moment during the auction. The program ranks the different possible ways to sell the property in descending order from the highest total price.
- We allow Internet bidding. We have integrated M3 with an Internet auction system that allows remote bidders to participate via the Internet.
It is my view that there have been three important auction innovations in this century: 1) Rex Schrader's system for multi-parcel real estate auctions, 2) William Vickrey's second price sealed bid auction for which he received a Nobel Prize, and 3) Sheldon Good's pooled condominium auction in which the winning bidder acquires the right to choose. Of these three, the Schrader system represents the most profound innovation.
Peter F. Colwell
ORER Professor of Real Estate, and Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
M3 permits virtually infinite possibilities. Let's say we're selling 40 tracts of land. Using M3, we have had more than 980,000 different possible ways to sell the property!
This unrestricted process promotes greater competition, which in turn creates higher prices for our sellers.
Online Bidding Options
Schrader has made significant investments into its digital bidding tools to optimize bidding flexibility for potential buyers. We have developed our own in-house software specifically designed to allow for easy online bidding on a multi-tract auction of any size. This benefits the exposure of our seller clients' properties as bidders have the flexibility to attend the auction in person and bid live, or bid online if they are non-local. All the while a live operator is on standby if any bidder runs into technological issues.
Digital Mapping
The Maximum Marketing Method (M3) allows the seller to identify provisional auction tracts to optimize the bidding options available to prospective buyers. Prospective buyers are then able to determine the most valuable tract divisions and/or combinations through the auction process.
Schrader uses sophisticated GPS and GIS technology, combined with its marketing expertise, to leverage the inherent advantages of the M3 method.
Many national corporations and other large acreage holders are looking to Schraders to market diverse land at auction throughout the United States. Owners often want to act quickly. Schrader is prepared with mobile mapping technology and digital mapping software. Using this technology, we are able to help the seller identify potential auction tracts within a matter of a few days. This decreases the lead time getting the property to auction and saves up-front costs.
This technology also benefits the potential buyer by providing valuable information before the auction, including customized aerial photographs of the individual tracts and preliminary acreage and boundary information.
The corners, boundaries and acreages of newly-created parcels are established by a professional land surveyor after the optimal tract divisions and/or combinations have been identified through the auction process.
Graphical Bidding Viewer
Another Auction Day innovation Schrader has recently created is the Schrader Graphical Bidding Viewer™ (SGBV). This patent pending software was designed to assist the bidder during the auction process. It allows the bidder to instantaneously know if the tract or tracts he is bidding on is in a winning position. During the auction, those in attendance can look up at a large, full-color graphic aerial of the property with each tract numbered. Bidders who are in a winning position will see in real-time, the tract or tracts they are bidding on filled in with their assigned color. This gives everyone in attendance a way to graphically see in a bright full-color display how the property would be sold at any given time during the auction.
Full Service Video Department
Property videos can be taken of your property and edited in our full-service video department to be used at all inspection dates and online through our website during the marketing period. Video can be taken on the ground and from the air to show the best features of your property. Videos are also posted to our web page giving viewers the opportunity to see the details of your property from across the country.
Award-Winning Marketing Department
Our fully-staffed marketing department handles all aspects of promoting your auction to prospective buyers. Winner's of over 60 national and international awards, the Schrader marketing team can put together an advertising campaign that is one of the best in the auction industry.
Professional Digital Photography
A full-time professional photographer is available to capture breathtaking views of your property in a high-resolution digital format to be used throughout the marketing campaign in brochures, ads, and online. Ground shots as well as aerial photography through the use of the most recent models of drones can be taken to enhance the features of your property.
Award-winning marketing department
Attempting to best represent the properties of their sellers, Schrader represents the best in national and state auction advertising. With over 150 advertising excellence awards, Schrader has become synonymous with superlative advertising. We're proud to raise the standard for the auction industry with both innovative auction concepts (like our M3 system) and creative brochures, newspaper ads, and web presence.

With several in-house, bachelor-degreed designers working on top-of-the line equipment, our auction brochures and newspaper ads have caught the attention of bidders and contest judges alike. Schrader has won over 50 advertising awards in the past three years.
By managing all aspects of advertising in house, each auction's marketing campaign runs more efficiently and owns a consistent look from one medium to another.
Each brochure is custom-designed to accentuate the selling points of its respective property, to be efficient with space, and to attract and keep the reader's attention. Our brochures contain full auction terms and conditions, property pictures, and detailed property descriptions. These are then mailed to specific categories of our national, regional, and local proprietary buyer lists. Our automated mailing system receives postage discounts from the US post office, which we pass on to our sellers.

All newspaper and print ads are designed in-house often to match their respective campaign's brochure. We can submit these ads to virtually any paper in the country and many around the world. We carefully target proven media sources and create schedules and sizes to ensure maximum exposure for the sale.
Each auction has its own page on our web site. We have the ability to record the amount of traffic on these pages and to report the results to the seller. Every auction has a spot right on Schrader's home page so that visitors generated from newspaper ads or direct mail pieces can easily find specific auctions. With over 3,380,000 hits a month site-wide, each auction has guaranteed exposure.