• Total Acreage: 156.97 ac
• Tillable: 145.83 ac
• Woods: 10 ac

- CLOSED Tue, Jan 21 -
156.9+/- Acres For Sale - Cropland, Woods for Hunting/Recreational & Potential Building Sites
Vacant land on 600 N., Lake Village, IN 46349 - Northern Newton County
List Price: $5,900/ac Code: MWW11NPROPERTY DESCRIPTION
PRICE REDUCED: $5,900 per acre
This property offers productive tillable land along with two wooded areas. Much of the larger woods near the road is on a ridge. Investigate this area for a potential beautiful homesite as well as for hunting and recreational opportunities.
156.9+/- Total Acres | 145.83+/- Tillable Cropland Acres per FSA | 10+/- Wooded Acres
FSA Data: FSA Cropland: 145.83 AcresCorn Base Acr.:142.84
Corn PLC Yield: 131
Soybean Base Acr.: 1.94
Soybean PLC Yield: 40
Zoning: Ag
Taxes: 2018 Real Estate Taxes Payable 2019 (2 Tax ID#s): $4,108.00
Drainage Assesments: $313.94
Section: 31 & 32.
Twp: Lake
Improvements: None
School District: North Newton School Corporation
Elec. Source: Nipsco
Possession Date: At closing, subject to rights of tenant for 2019 crop.
From Lake Village at the intersection of U.S. 41 and State Road 10, travel south on U.S. 41 approximately 4 miles to County Road 600 N. Then go west on 600 N 1.5 miles to the property on the north side of the road.
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