• Total Acreage: 46.3 ac
• Tillable: 46.28 ac

- CLOSED Wed, Nov 22 -
All Tillable High Quality Farmland, Clinton County, Indiana
S County Road 700W, Frankfort, IN
List Price: $455,236 Code: TF29CPROPERTY DESCRIPTION
This is a very nice farm located in Western Clinton County with highly productive Drummer soils covering almost 70% of the tillable acres. Farm is leased for 2017 crop year, contact sales manger for FSA data and soils mapping and other information.
Oil/Mineral Rights: Assumed by Buyer
High School: Clinton Prairie
Elec. Source: Tipmont REMC, substation across the road.
Zoning: 100 Class - Agriculture Vacant LotSoils: Drummer (68.2%), Fincastle Silt Loam (26.2%), balance Milford and Xenia
Topography: Flat, great road frontage along CR700, approximately 2000 feet
FSA Data: Farm #278 Tract #1616, Data based off the 85.34 parent tract prior to split. 46.28 CLU acres on this tract. PLC yield: Corn 183 - Soybeans 53. Farm has no CRP acres.
Taxes: 2017 payable for 2016 - $46.47/AC - $3965 annual is based off 85.34 acre parent tract. Tax Apportionment Agreement will be entered into by Seller and Buyer to prorate the new tax bill of the recent split to 46.30 acres. Lick Run Special Assessment is not currently being collected.
From I-65 & SR 28, one mile east to CR 700, turn right and travel one mile south. Farm is situated on west side of road, watch for Schrader Real Estate and Auction sign.
Leased for 2017
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