COVID-19 Update and Impact on Land Values Webinar

Register now - Topics: Land values, SBA funding, debt forgiveness, stimulus opportunities

Fri, May 8, 2020 EASTERN


• Register now • Webinar is at 10AM EST Friday May 8th • Topics: Land values, SBA funding, debt forgiveness, stimulus opportunities

The past month has resulted in a whirlwind of questions and concerns for ag businesses. With passage of a significant stimulus package (CARES Act) to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a lot of information to digest, including: SBA funding updates, Guidelines for debt forgiveness and tracking, Future stimulus opportunities, and Impacts from the pandemic on land values and equipment values. In an effort to provide you with timely and usable guidance, K-Coe Isom and Schrader Real Estate and Auction are providing a virtual town hall to help with decision-making.

Click now to register:

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